Tuesday, November 8, 2011


French, born in Transylvania

An interesting fact about him: BRASSAI actually didn't like photography at all until he was inspired by Andre Kertesz and his work.
This man named himself after the town he was born in, Brasso. He studied art at the academies of Budapest and Berlin before moving to Paris in the mid-1920s. 

In about the mid-1930s he started photographing the more......."colorful" night life of Paris. This left the subjects of his photographs being mainly, what is to be described as a gaudy, "tawdry" collection of prostitutes, madams, pimps, transvestites, apaches, etc.(you get the point).  These photographs were actually published in Paris de Nuit(a highly looked upon photographic book) in 1933

He used a simple tripod and opened his shutter for as long as necessary and used a flash bulb to set his club, bistro photographs.

I was really impressed with BRASSAI. I tried really hard to pick a photographer whose pictures weren't black and white because it seems like everything I do or pick is B&W. But for some reason I'm drawn to pictures of scandal also, so a scandelous picture that happens to be B&W wins. I think this artist is a controversial artist, basically because the subjects of his photos are taboo in modern society and he portrays them as art; So much that these photographs of this scandal are published and seen as art. I'm a firm believer that anyone can call themself an artist and see what they see in their own art, but a true artist makes everyone else see what the artist sees, no matter the subject.

But anyways...I think he was a pretty talented artist.

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